Feb 15, 2022ABUNDANT LIVING Ways to Improve Self-Love and Grow as a PersonSelf-love is important because it allows us to be our best selves. When we love ourselves, we are more likely to take care of ourselves...
Jun 18, 2021ABUNDANT LIVING ENERGY WORK: HOW YOUR ENERGY CREATES YOUR LIFEWhether you call yourself a lightworker or healer or not, you are constantly doing energy work. Have you ever walked into a room and...
May 7, 2021ABUNDANT LIVING AKASHIC RECORD READING VS. PSYCHIC READING: WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCEA lot of people ask me what the difference is between an Akashic Record Reading and a Psychic Reading. That is a great question. The two...
Jan 29, 2021ABUNDANT LIVING 3 WAYS TO ATTRACT ABUNDANCE WITH GRATITUDEWhen you think about abundance, you may also think of the Law of Attraction which says that “like attracts like.” Everything in the...