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The Joy of the Season

The Christmas season is a time for cheer, family, and giving. It can also be a time of stress and anxiety as we try to balance our budgets, prepare for company, and find the perfect gift. This year, let's focus on the joy of the season. Embrace the good moments: sharing a laugh with your loved ones, listening to holiday music, taking a sleigh ride through town. Let go of the things that are stressing you out and enjoy this special time!

Christmas: A favorite holiday for centuries.

It's a time where families come together to celebrate, share stories from their year, and give back to those less fortunate.

The Christmas season is a time for cheer, family, and giving. It can also be a time of stress and anxiety as we try to balance our budgets, prepare for company and find the perfect gift. This year let's focus on the joy of the season. Embrace good moments: sharing laughs with loved ones, listening to holiday music, or baking some cookies with the kids. Let go of what's stressing you out and enjoy this special time!

The joy of the season is in giving.

Giving is a great way to celebrate this time of the year. Give the gift of your attention by spending more quality time with loved ones, or give gifts that show you care like homemade treats and thoughtful presents. Goodwill is best shown through actions, not material items!

Sharing your blessings is a way to give back.

Giving can also include donating your time and money to charity in any community, no matter how big or small. If you have the ability to donate financially, consider giving during this festive season through organizations that support those less fortunate than yourself. Volunteering will add even more joy into the mix!

The holidays can be rough, so take care of yourself.

It's important to remember self-care throughout the holiday season. Take time out for yourself and do what makes you happy! Read a book with your cup of tea or go on that hike if it has been many months since your last visit to nature. You deserve your own happiness because this is one gift that you can always give to yourself.

The Christmas season is a time for giving and being thankful for all the good in our lives. Let's focus on the joy of this special time, and not let the stress get us down!

The joys and struggles during holidays.

The holidays are a time of mixed emotions for many people. On one hand, it's a time of joy and celebration with family and friends. But on the other hand, it can be a difficult time as we deal with stress from all the preparations and expectations.

Whether you're looking for that perfect gift or just want some inspiration on how you can make someone else happy this holiday season, no matter what you are dealing with, or how you celebrate keep in mind the reason why we celebrate Christmas. It's a time to come together and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the embodiment of love and compassion.

So this holiday season, let go of your worries and stress and focus on the things that make you happy. Take some time to relax and enjoy being surrounded by loved ones. And most importantly, remember to be grateful for all the things that you do have.

Make a list of people who have made an impact on your life this past year

Whether they are family members or friends- and write them each a letter explaining what they mean to you as well as what gifts would be meaningful for them if possible. As we near the end of the year, this is a great way to show gratitude for the people in your life.

Keep this list with you throughout the holiday season so that it's always at hand when shopping or during family gatherings. Then, pass it along before next year rolls around! This would make your loved ones feel really special and appreciated.

Reflect on what you're grateful for and how blessed you are.

I'm grateful for my health, my family, and my friends. I'm blessed to have a roof over my head, food on the table, and a warm place to call home. I'm grateful for all the wonderful things that have happened in my life, and I'm looking forward to all the great things that are yet to come.

These are a few of the many things for which I am thankful. Make a list and reflect on all the good things that have happened in your life. It's a fantastic method to get into the mood for Christmas!

The year 2021 wasn't easy for all of us. We experienced a pandemic that caused widespread panic and fear. But even in the midst of all that, I am grateful for what we went through as a family. We stuck together, supported each other, and helped each other through it all.

It was tough, but it made us stronger. And I'm grateful for that.

Look into small things that you're grateful for. Sometimes even the smallest things can make our day better. It's true that not everyone is as blessed as we are, and I'm pretty grateful for that too. The holidays remind us to be thankful and remember how fortunate we are even when we're struggling.

The joy of the season is in giving and this year, we want you to share that with us. Reach out and let us know what your favorite holiday traditions are or how you've been able to make someone's day a little better. We're here every step of the way so talk to us about any questions you have as well as ways we can help!

We would like to ask for a few minutes of your time to complete a survey about Soul Ascending plans for 2022 and we would like to know what are your interests to better serve you. Click on the link to complete the survey.

Have a happy holiday!

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